Board approves funding to build field houses at high schools

Board approves funding to build field houses at high schools

COLLINSVILLE, Va. (August 27, 2024) ‒ The Henry County Board of Supervisors approved a
funding request from its school board Tuesday night to construct new athletic field houses at
Bassett and Magna Vista high schools.

Funding for the $4.7 million project will come from the additional 1% sales tax fund designated
for new construction and major renovations of school facilities.

This constitutes the largest construction project to be financed using the fund. The new field
houses will be used for sporting events and to provide shelter for players in the event of severe
weather. In addition, the project at Magna Vista will include the construction of an alternate
gravity flow sewer line to accommodate restrooms and concessions.

Quality Construction, of Danville, Va., will be awarded the contract for Bassett High School based
on their lowest bid of $1.94 million. Concrete Foundations, of Gretna, Va., was chosen for the
contract at Magna Vista High School based on their lowest bid of $2.79 million.

Following the appropriation, there is approximately $6.8 million left in the additional 1% sales
tax fund. The fund accumulates approximately $5.5 million per year.

In other matters, the Board:

  • Adopted the Henry County Energy Action Plan
  • Awarded a contract in the amount of $118,500 to RRMM Architects for architectural and
    engineering services related to the Public Safety Campus master plan.
  • Awarded a contract in the amount of $73,033 to the Berkley Group, LLC, to prepare an
    Active Transportation Plan for the county.
  • Awarded a contract in the amount of $106,850 to RRMM Architects for architectural and
    engineering services related to electrical upgrades at the Administration Building.
  • Approved an additional appropriation of $6,046 from the Virginia Department of
    Elections to purchase a Ballot-on-Demand printing system.
  • Approved an additional appropriation of $100,000 received through the Virginia
    Department of Transportation Economic Development Access grant program to update
    plans and specifications for improvements to Beaver Creek Drive.
  • Approved an additional appropriation of $45,000 received through the Virginia
  • Department of Criminal Justice School Resource Officer (SRO) grant program to provide
  • an SRO for the Career Academy.
  • Approved an additional appropriation of $510,396 received from recreation fees,
    concession sales, and the transient occupancy tax to reconcile the operating budget for
    the Monogram Foods Smith River Sports Complex.
  • Approved an appropriation of $163,000 from the special construction fund to cover
    expenses related to the Villa Heights Housing Project.
  • Presented the Community Connected Citizen Award to Miss Martinsville-Henry County
    Jenna Adams and Miss Martinsville-Henry County Teen Meagan Durham.